Tuesday, December 4, 2007


You must have heard and experienced a lot of differences between men and women relationships even if you’re both compatible with each other. Men are more on the complicated things they’re associated with and we women are more on the emotional aspects where he surrenders his inner self as masculine that is hiding in his mask of being more ‘superior’ than us, but privately and secretly he is dependent with our way of breaking their complex staff in its simplicity as their women. As we recognize these differences and we are already on the stage of unfolding and revealing his real self to us of which it’s sometimes what makes him keep his distance from us, emotionally, especially if we are already complaining about his real attitudes. Our first impressions of him during the courtship may either lead us to accept him or not and if we like him at the rate of seventy percent only, most likely we have the tendencies to be captured by his impressive, aggressive and persuasive way of courting us.

On our process of learning to love him is probably been locked and more focused on the basis of these facts about him that we first encountered, where good impressions and nice things about him were counted the most on the stage we’re still blinded by those and still in the excitement of discovering more of him. Loving him includes broadmindedness and heartfelt acceptance of the opposite of his constructive side and it should be focused on that alone. Because logically, it’s easy to love him with his positive sides as his good qualities whether you close your heart’s eyes and feel, but his disapproving sides like his negative attitudes and weakness natures is another story of it. With these natures he has, which we also have, you can assess yourself by considering these facts that you will be marrying them including the guy himself of how you were conquered and captivated by his good qualities and by doing that, you already have the first initiative for him to learn to do the same with you, and that’s how you are both going to work your relationship to last and that’s how you will learn to adjust yourselves with each other. It is not bad after all and you’re not a martyr if you think why you’re the only one who have the initiative first than him, don’t worry, because you will both benefit from it, especially you.

Let’s see our ‘scientifically’ human differences. We have know a lot of differences between men and women and one of the most very significant distinction in terms of our sexes refers to our hormones that have large dissimilarity when affecting both human sexes as male and female. As we all know men have the hormone named testosterone and women have estradiol, the potent (or powerful) female hormone. Armed with this scientific knowledge, we can already tell and determine how differences between men and women somehow affect relationships. Every woman produces about 20 mg per day of progesterone from our ovaries during the latter part of the menstrual cycle before menopause. During pregnancy the placenta begins to produce progesterone, as much as 400 mg per day. That is why it is called progesterone, when Pro means "for" and Gest means "gestation" or development, growth and conception. We women have three different estrogens that our body produces: estriol, estrone, and estradiol. In contrast, there is only one and only one progesterone that our body produces. It is called, of course progesterone. It is the precursor or pioneer to other hormones such as the three estrogens, testosterone, and cortisol. Yes, women also produce small amounts of testosterone. During the production of progesterone, it somehow affects our moods especially after the placenta is delivered, our bodies experience a drop in progesterone, and we women experience an emotional depression and if we produce more than the normal mg, we feel emotionally elated and we also have an increase in sex drive.

In other words, we women have the graphical ups and downs because of our natural and chemical influences in our body. These are the things that men seldom understand and sometimes they only complain with our being nagger without really understanding what’s going on inside us. Despite all these differences, they can all be united with one love that we feel for each other and this only mean that no matter how much disparities we have, the first stage of your relationship is already tied its knot for the marriage to last.

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